Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Preschool is stressing me out and I am 30 something!

I can tell this is going to be an interesting year. Plenty of blogging opportunities if last night was any indication.

We had our "parent only" preschool orientation and parent meet the teacher night. When the assembly was over and it was time to meet the teacher we proceeded to the classroom. The teacher had a brief presentation and gave us a tour of the room. At that time she asked if there were any questions.

Let me just preface this by saying last year I had "that mom" in my class. That mom haunted me all year long. She always said and did things that just drove me insane. That mom last year made a big stink when her child got sick and proceeded to tell the rest of us at the class valentines party that if our child was sick that she needed us to e-mail HER and let HER know so she would know who was responsible if her child got sick thereafter. I was so excited when at the meet the teacher I saw that mom go into the 3 day class and not the 4 day class. That mom was not going to be bothering me this year.

Ok back to the teacher asking if there are any questions. A few of us raised our hands and asked some questions about supplies, types of snacks, etc. And then wouldn't you know it, that mom reincarnated herself and became a part of the classroom this year. That mom noticed during the presentation that there was a writing center. Apparently that moms kid, little Johnny is a genius and can write his name and even wrote her a letter this week. She wanted to know based on this discovery how much writing would be done in the class on a daily basis. Well this sent me in a panic as my DD can barely write her name, forget anything else. Fortunately the teacher said that was the gist of it, writing their name and they really don't do anything but practice. That mom had a weird look on her face and I wondered if she was going to protest or withdraw her child that minute. We shall wait and see. I know I should be thrilled that DD is attending a school with a child prodigy and I should not be surprised, there is one in her class every year and now I will come to expect it.

Today was the first official day. I took in a huge packet of paperwork that I filled out only to be handed more. No wonder we are killing the environment with all this paper. I get so tired of paper work.

Then the money. I have already paid 2 months of tuition. Every time you turn around a school wants money. It is the PTA or the book club or this or that. I really wish that all schools would stop this nonsense. Just tell me an amount. I will write you a check. You will come out better in the long run and I can take it off my taxes as a donation. Then for the people who don't want to donate, you can nickle and dime them with all of these things. It would really simplify my life and yours.

The real thing that stressed me out was the take home project. I hate projects. Projects for a 4 year old means work for me. She cannot do it by herself. I have to help. I know it encourages parent/child time and that is a good thing. However, when it is on your time and your way, it stresses me out. See I am anal and I am a perfectionist so if I get a project that I know is going to be seen by everyone, I have to have it as perfect as I can do it with my child. So I have spent 48 hours obsessing over the perfect way to do this project and create it. Then I spent at least 2 hours with DD working on it. It is drying right now. Did I mention I hate crafts? I do. I am crafty apparently and I can do them, I just don't enjoy crafts. Glad this one is over.

The very best thing that did happen today was the teacher asked on her wish list for play-doh. That I can handle. Wal-Mart carried a nice 24 pack with a handle. Took me 5 minutes to run in and grab it and leave. Please send me more "to do" items like this!

Hoping to be craft-less the rest of the year,

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